cutting edge tools

The company has the necessary technical infrastructure and equipment in order to support its projects. Besides computers and printers (for maps, designs and texts), the company owns software for text and design (AutoCAD, ΑutoCAD Map) processing as well as GIS software (TNT – Mips company and ARC VIEW – ESRI company).
The company also owns differential GPS device (Thales Mobile mapper) and the relevant software for its operation (ARC PAD).
There are also available specialized software programs for the evaluation of environment and detection of pressures (e.g. Multi-stratified determination of sampling points, flora correlation, 3D simulation of noise dissemination, and of pollutants in atmosphere, waters etc.).
Members of the company have produced a part of the abovementioned software by incorporating sub-programs, appropriate for environmental studies into GIS software.
The company also owns specific equipment for natural environment monitoring (microscops, stereoscopes, water samplers, fish nets, binocles, digital cameras, zoom and macro lenses, animal sound detection database etc.)
The company also possesses one of the biggest private herbarium of Greek flora and special equipment such as:
- Off-road vehicle
- Unmanned aerial vehicle for filming
- DSLR cameras
- Small animal capture traps
- Animal capture nets
- Binoculars, telescope, flatscope, microscope, telemeter
- Water analysis equipment
- Echometer